Cybersecurity and Embodiment Integrity for Modern Robots: A Conceptual Framework


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Modern robots are stepping away from monolithic entities built using ad-hoc sensors and actuators, due to new technologies and communication paradigms, such as the Internet of Things (IoT) and the Robotic Operating System (ROS). Using such paradigms, robots can be built by acquiring heterogeneous standard devices and putting them in communication with each other. This approach brings high degrees of modularity, but it also yields uncertainty of providing cybersecurity assurances, and guarantees on the integrity of the embodiment. In this paper, we first illustrate how cyberattacks on different devices can have radically different consequences on the robot's ability to complete its tasks and preserve its embodiment. We also claim that modern robots should have self-awareness for what it concerns such aspects, and formulate the different characteristics that robots should integrate for doing so. Then, we show that achieving these propositions requires that robots possess at least three properties that conceptually link devices and tasks. Last, we reflect on how these three properties could be achieved in a larger conceptual framework.
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