Embedding routine health care data in clinical trials: with great power comes great responsibility

Netherlands Heart Journal(2024)

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Randomised clinical trials (RCTs) are vital for medical progress. Unfortunately, ‘traditional’ RCTs are expensive and inherently slow. Moreover, their generalisability has been questioned. There is considerable overlap in routine health care data (RHCD) and trial-specific data. Therefore, integration of RHCD in an RCT has great potential, as it would reduce the effort and costs required to collect data, thereby overcoming some of the major downsides of a traditional RCT. However, use of RHCD comes with other challenges, such as privacy issues, as well as technical and practical barriers. Here, we give a current overview of related initiatives on national cardiovascular registries (Netherlands Heart Registration, Heart4Data), showcasing the interrelationships between and the relevance of the different registries for the practicing physician. We then discuss the benefits and limitations of RHCD use in the setting of a pragmatic RCT from a cardiovascular perspective, illustrated by a case study in heart failure.
Randomised controlled trials,Pragmatic clinical trials,Big data,Cardiovascular diseases,Heart failure
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