Enhanced Computer-Aided Diagnosis Model on Ultrasound Images through Transfer Learning and Data Augmentation Techniques for an Accurate Breast Tumors Classification

International Conference on Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems(2023)

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Cancer is a critical global public health problem with meager median survival. It is therefore quite essential to detect this disease at an early stage to improve diagnostic results and consequently avoid serious complications. For this purpose, various researchers have implemented automated methods with the use of different medical imaging modalities. Accordingly, the expansion of deep learning techniques grants opportunities to enhance diagnosis, cure, and prevention. In this study, a diagnostic system for accurate classification of ultrasound breast abnormalities based on the powerful ResNet-50 CNN is proposed with the aim of providing early detection of breast cancer decease. The contribution of this work lies in the novel approach taken to improve the performance of the ResNet50 model in the classification of ultrasound breast cancer images. Transfer learning allows for the model to leverage pre-existing knowledge, while the application of data augmentation techniques enhances the diversity and quality of the training data. Additionally, the optimization of the batch size as a hyperparameter ensures that the model is able to effectively learn from the training data, leading to improved accuracy and efficiency in the classification process. This approach is crucial in the early detection and treatment of breast cancer. Quantitative and qualitative evaluations have been detailed in this study using Breast Ultrasound Dataset BUSI. Our presented work shows interesting results in terms of accuracy, specificity, sensitivity, and AUC which exceed the performance of other compared works. Moreover, the proposed method helps boost the clinical diagnosis of breast cancer. It may integrate a radiologist network, allowing them to constantly follow up on the patient's medical history.
Breast Cancer,Deep Learning,Transfer Learning,Data augmentation,Classification,Ultrasound
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