Osaka Feedback Model III: Cosmological Simulation CROCODILE


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We introduce our new cosmological simulation dataset CROCODILE, executed using the GADGET4-Osaka smoothed particle hydrodynamics code. This simulation incorporates an updated supernova (SN) feedback model of Oku et al. (2022) and an active galactic nuclei (AGN) feedback model. A key innovation in our SN feedback model is the integration of a metallicity- and redshift-dependent, top-heavy IMF, which enables a higher energy injection rate per unit stellar mass formed at high redshift. The CROCODILE dataset is comprehensive, encompassing a variety of runs with diverse feedback parameters. This allows for an in-depth exploration of the relative impacts of different feedback processes in galactic evolution. Our initial comparisons with observational data -- spanning the galaxy stellar mass function, the star formation main sequence, and the mass-metallicity relation -- show promising agreement, especially for the Fiducial run. These results establish a solid foundation for our future work. We find that the SN feedback is a key driver in the chemical enrichment of the IGM. Additionally, the AGN feedback creates metal-rich, bipolar outflows that extend and enrich the CGM and IGM over a few Mpc scales.
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