Towards Multi-Objective High-Dimensional Feature Selection via Evolutionary Multitasking


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Evolutionary Multitasking (EMT) paradigm, an emerging research topic in evolutionary computation, has been successfully applied in solving high-dimensional feature selection (FS) problems recently. However, existing EMT-based FS methods suffer from several limitations, such as a single mode of multitask generation, conducting the same generic evolutionary search for all tasks, relying on implicit transfer mechanisms through sole solution encodings, and employing single-objective transformation, which result in inadequate knowledge acquisition, exploitation, and transfer. To this end, this paper develops a novel EMT framework for multiobjective high-dimensional feature selection problems, namely MO-FSEMT. In particular, multiple auxiliary tasks are constructed by distinct formulation methods to provide diverse search spaces and information representations and then simultaneously addressed with the original task through a multi-slover-based multitask optimization scheme. Each task has an independent population with task-specific representations and is solved using separate evolutionary solvers with different biases and search preferences. A task-specific knowledge transfer mechanism is designed to leverage the advantage information of each task, enabling the discovery and effective transmission of high-quality solutions during the search process. Comprehensive experimental results demonstrate that our MO-FSEMT framework can achieve overall superior performance compared to the state-of-the-art FS methods on 26 datasets. Moreover, the ablation studies verify the contributions of different components of the proposed MO-FSEMT.
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