Sharp density discrepancy for cut and project sets: An approach via lattice point counting


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Cut and project sets are obtained by taking an irrational slice of a lattice and projecting it to a lower dimensional subspace, and are fully characterised by the shape of the slice (window) and the choice of the lattice. In this context we seek to quantify fluctuations from the asymptotics for point counts. We obtain uniform upper bounds on the discrepancy depending on the diophantine properties of the lattice as well as universal lower bounds on the average of the discrepancy. In an appendix, Michael Björklund and Tobias Hartnick obtain lower bounds on the L^2-norm of the discrepancy also depending on the diophantine class; these lower bounds match our uniform upper bounds and both are therefore sharp. Using the sufficient criteria of Burago–Kleiner and Aliste-Prieto–Coronel–Gambaudo we find an explicit full-measure class of cut and project sets that are biLipschitz equivalent to lattices; the lower bounds on the variance indicate that this is the largest class of cut and project sets for which those sufficient criteria can apply.
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