High-order Finite-Volume Central Targeted ENO Family Scheme for Compressible Flows in Unstructured Meshes


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Due to its innovative weighting method, the high-order target ENO (TENO) system has shown tremendous potential for complicated flow prediction. For unstructured meshes, we have developed non-oscillatory central target ENO family schemes in this study. In comparison with standard WENO schemes, the compact directional stencils significantly enhance the possibility that one of them will be in smooth area. The scheme is inherently limited in size in order to simplify the directional stencils in implementation. Following an effective scale separation method, we employ the ENO-like stencil selection technique, which selects candidate reconstructions from large central stencils in smooth areas to enforce the ENO property and from small directional stencils at discontinuities to restore high-order accuracy. With the validation of a number of test cases, a detailed comparison of CWENO, TENO, CTENO and CTENOZ schemes was carried out to assess their performance based on accuracy, robustness, parallel scalability and run time. Our findings demonstrate high-order precision, lower numerical dissipation, and superior sharp shock-capturing performance of proposed CTENO and CTENOZ schemes.
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