Dynamic gait stability in children with and without Down syndrome during overground walking


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Background: Challenging children with Down syndrome to walk fast and with external ankle load has demonstrated acute adjustments, such as increased step length and decreased step width, and improved joint stability. However, it is unknown to what extent these task constraints affect gait stability. Assessing dynamic gait stability through margin-of-stability not only quantifies adjustments related to balance control, but also informs safety considerations. Methods: Twenty-four children with and without Down syndrome participated in this study. Subjects walked overground at two speed conditions: self-selected (normal) and as fast as possible (fast); and two ankle load conditions: no load and ankle load of 2% body mass. We assessed margin-of-stability in the anteroposterior and mediolateral directions, separately, at three gait events of toe-off, mid-swing, and heel strike. Findings: Children with Down syndrome walked with greater mediolateral margin-of-stability than typically developing children. Children with Down syndrome demonstrated less anteroposterior margin-of-stability than typically developing children only before heel-strike at normal speed but increased anteroposterior margin-ofstability at fast speed. The ankle load increased the mediolateral margin-of-stability in both groups but did not impact the anteroposterior margin-of-stability. In addition, children with Down syndrome took shorter and wider steps for more lateral placement of mediolateral margin-of-stability. Interpretation: Children with Down syndrome were capable of adjusting their margin-of-stability for fast walking and ankle-load conditions. However, children with Down syndrome walked with less mediolateral stability and anteroposterior mobility than typically developing children. Children with Down syndrome overcompensate the mediolateral foot placement to recapture their margin-of-stability and maintain gait stability.
Gait,Dynamic stability,Down syndrome,Balance control
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