Trade-off Between Execution Time and Memory Consumption in Fuzzy Average-Utility Mining.

2023 12th International Conference on Awareness Science and Technology (iCAST)(2023)

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Fuzzy utility mining considers high-utility fuzzy itemsets as valuable knowledge by integrating quantities of items, their profits, and meaningful fuzzy terms derived by quantities according to membership functions. In fuzzy utility mining, the utility value of a fuzzy itemset in a transaction will always be greater than or equal to those of its subsets, so the measurement of fuzzy utility is an unfair evaluation method. Therefore, the fuzzy average-utility mining problem was issued in 2020, and three solutions were proposed to solve fuzzy average-utility itemsets as two-phase fuzzy average-utility algorithm (TPFAU), two-phase method with tree-based structure (HFAUIM) and one-phase approach with tree-based structure (FHFAUIM), respectively. The second and third methods decrease the candidates generated compared to the first. However, the sorting strategy for mining steps for the last two approaches is based on the frequencies of items in a database and then inserting items of a transaction into a tree in descending order of their frequencies, thus spending more computing time on deriving the actual fuzzy utility value of itemsets. To overcome the above-mentioned problem, this paper adopts a different sorting strategy with a tree-based structure and then by using it to design an algorithm named IFHFAUIM to mine high fuzzy average-utility itemsets. It reduces the storage of required fuzzy utility values in tree nodes and recovers them through tree traversal. Computational experiments show that the proposed method could make a good trade-off between execution time and memory usage.
fuzzy utility itemset mining,fuzzy average utility measurement,tree-structure
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