Density Descent for Diversity Optimization

David H. Lee, Anishalakshmi V. Palaparthi,Matthew C. Fontaine,Bryon Tjanaka,Stefanos Nikolaidis


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Diversity optimization seeks to discover a set of solutions that elicit diverse features. Prior work has proposed Novelty Search (NS), which, given a current set of solutions, seeks to expand the set by finding points in areas of low density in the feature space. However, to estimate density, NS relies on a heuristic that considers the k-nearest neighbors of the search point in the feature space, which yields a weaker stability guarantee. We propose Density Descent Search (DDS), an algorithm that explores the feature space via gradient descent on a continuous density estimate of the feature space that also provides stronger stability guarantee. We experiment with DDS and two density estimation methods: kernel density estimation (KDE) and continuous normalizing flow (CNF). On several standard diversity optimization benchmarks, DDS outperforms NS, the recently proposed MAP-Annealing algorithm, and other state-of-the-art baselines. Additionally, we prove that DDS with KDE provides stronger stability guarantees than NS, making it more suitable for adaptive optimizers. Furthermore, we prove that NS is a special case of DDS that descends a KDE of the feature space.
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