Pressure-tuned quantum criticality in the locally non-centrosymmetric superconductor CeRh$_2$As$_2$


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The unconventional superconductor CeRh$_2$As$_2$ (critical temperature $T_{\mathrm{c}}\approx0.4\,\mathrm{K}$) displays an exceptionally rare magnetic-field-induced transition between two distinct superconducting (SC) phases, proposed to be states of even and odd parity of the SC order parameter, enabled by a locally non-centrosymmetric structure. The SC state exhibits signatures of antiferromagnetism and is preceded by a phase transition of unknown origin at $T_{0}\approx0.5\,\mathrm{K}$. Electronic low-temperature properties of CeRh$_2$As$_2$ show pronounced non-Fermi-liquid behavior, indicative of a proximity to a quantum critical point (QCP). The role of quantum fluctuations and normal state orders for the superconductivity in a system with staggered Rashba interaction is currently an open question, pertinent to explaining the occurrence of two-phase superconductivity. In this work, using measurements of resistivity and specific heat under hydrostatic pressure, we show that the $T_{0}$ order vanishes completely at a modest pressure of $P_{0}=0.5-0.7\,\mathrm{GPa}$, revealing a QCP. The linear temperature dependence of the resistivity at $P_{0}$ evolves into a Fermi-liquid quadratic dependence as the quantum criticality is suppressed by increasing pressure. The dome-like behavior of $T_{\mathrm{c}}$ around $P_{0}$ suggests that the fluctuations of the $T_{0}$ order are involved in the SC pairing mechanism. These results set the scene for further investigations into the fate of the multi-phase superconductivity across this phase diagram.
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