OsbZIP53 Negatively Regulates Immunity Response by Involving in Reactive Oxygen Species and Salicylic Acid Metabolism in Rice

Rice Science(2023)

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The basic region/leucine zipper (bZIP) transcription factors play important roles in plant development and responses to abiotic and biotic stresses. OsbZIP53 has been reported to regulate resistance to Magnaporthe oryzae in rice by analyzing APIP5-RNAi transgenic plants. To further investigate the biological functions of OsbZIP53, we generated osbzip53 mutants using CRISPR-Cas9 editing and OsbZIP53 over-expression transgenic plants. Comprehensive analysis of phenotypical, physiological, and transcriptional data showed that knocking-out OsbZIP53 not only improved disease resistance by inducing a hypersensitivity response in plants, but also regulated the immune response through the salicylic acid pathway. Specifically, disrupting OsbZIP53 increased H2O2 accumulation by promoting reactive oxygen species generation through up-regulation of several respiratory burst oxidase homologs (Osrboh genes) and weakened H2O2 degradation by directly targeting OsMYBS1. In addition, the growth of osbzip53 mutants was seriously impaired, while OsbZIP53 over-expression lines displayed a similar phenotype to the wild type, suggesting that OsbZIP53 has a balancing effect on rice immune response and growth.
OsbZIP53,hypersensitive response,reactive oxygen species metabolism,rice immunity,salicylic acid,transcription factor
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