A Deeper Look at Sources of Errors that Affect the Classical Double-Ended Traveling Wave-Based Fault Location Method

Felipe V. Lopes,Amauri Martins-Britto,Raphael L. A. Reis,Kleber M. Silva, Eduardo P. A. Ribeiro,Caio M. Moraes, Marco Antonio M. Rodrigues, Rodrigo Agostinho

2023 Workshop on Communication Networks and Power Systems (WCNPS)(2023)

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This paper analyzes sources of errors that typically affect the classical Double-Ended Traveling Wave (TW)-based Fault Location (DETWFL) method. A deeper look at the effects of time synchronization errors, TW detection deviations, propagation velocity in-accuracies and line length uncertainties is provided, being the interaction between these sources of errors also investigated by means of parametric sensitivity studies. The obtained results reveal that time synchronization errors, TW detection deviations and uncertainties on line parameters interact between each other and with fault distance and line propagation velocity, so that, depending on their combination, DETWFL errors can increase or reduce. Hence, the need for two-terminal data synchronization means, reliable TW arrival instant detectors and accurate information on line parameters to calculate propagation velocity settings is proven, being the influence of these factors during DETWFL procedures mathematically explained.
Fault location,power systems,transmission lines,traveling waves
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