Teachers' Perception of the Use of Augmented Reality (AR) Modules in Teaching and Learning

Suhana Mohamad,Hazrati Husnin

International journal of academic research in business & social sciences(2023)

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Augmented Reality (AR) has generally changed the flow of education and the landscape of teaching progress to digital teaching and learning methods. The developed AR module will give teachers an understanding of the approach to the use of this technology in the learning process. Therefore, this study was conducted to examine teachers' perceptions in terms of design, content and satisfaction of teachers on the use of AR modules to integrate in teaching. The research of this study includes the design and development of educational applications that involve augmented reality. Design and content aspects are derived from the Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning to ensure that the design content is in line with a subject. This learning module has undergone a stage of verification by experts and has been conducted to evaluate the quality of development of modules and multimedia elements that have been applied in this module. This quantitative study uses Google Form as a questionnaire instrument. A total of 78 Bestari Coordinator Teachers in the state of Terengganu were selected as respondents of the study. Data were analyzed using SPSS software version 26. The analysis found that the level of teacher perception of the design, content and satisfaction of the AR module was high (M = 4.14). As an implication, the positive perception of teachers towards the design of self-learning modules including the arrangement of information content and the layout of graphic images also shows these elements benefit them in understanding and mastering the learning material.
augmented reality,teaching,teachers,ar,perception
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