Learning Support Provisions for Post-secondary Students with Disabilities in Kuwait

Psychology Research and Practice(2023)

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This paper presents a study exploring the nature of learning support provisions for higher education students with disabilities in Kuwait. The research objectives were to (a) detail support for students in Kuwait higher education and identify any differences between public and private institutions, and (b) provide data for international comparisons with universities/college with experience of supporting students with disabilities. A questionnaire was distributed to the twelve institutions operating within Kuwait at the time of the study. Responses were received from one public and four private higher education universities/colleges. The data suggested that the levels of support for students with disabilities were relatively consistent with those provided by other countries, with one private college showing a good range of support strategies. However, as in many countries, there was great variability in the level of support offered. Comparisons between public and private institutions considered the number of students requiring learning support, the nature of their disabilities and the types of accommodations offered. The findings indicated that the public university showed levels of provisions that seemed more comprehensive than that reported by two of the private colleges, but less comprehensive than reported by the other two private institutions. Recommendations are shared on how to enhance existing services further.
disabilities,support provisions,students,post-secondary
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