Habitat Characteristics of Aedes Sp Larval Containers and Density of Container Index (CI) In the Area Endemic and Non-Endemic to DHF In Makassar City

Muhammad Ichsan,Hasanuddin Ishak, Eddy Ibrahim,Hasnawati Amqam,Isra Wahid, Syahribulan Syahribulan,Rusdiyah Sudirman,Anwar Mallongi

Pharmacognosy Journal(2023)

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Aedes sp has breeding habitats in water reservoirs or containers with relatively clear water, both inside and outside the house and in public places. The existence of containers as a breeding habitat for Aedes sp mosquitoes can increase the population density of Aedes sp mosquitoes, triggering high transmission of the dengu virus in the city of Makassar. The purpose of the study is to determine the characterisitic relationship of containers with the index of aedes sp larvae in dengue endemism areas in Makassar city in 2022. This study is an analytical observational study. Quantitative analysis with a cross-sectional approach. The sample sampling technique is a technique with simple purposive sampling. The sample was 600 houses in endemic and non-endemic areas in makassar city. The results of this study are container types with CI density in endemic areas, namely bucket 242 (CI = 9.5), while in non-endemic areas namely bucket 298 (CI = 5.4), container materials with CI density in endemic areas namely plastic 422 (CI = 10.9), while in non-endemic areas namely plastic 482 (CI = 5.6), and container locations with CI materials and densities namely in indoor locations with plastic material 398 (CI = 8.0), while in non-endemic areas with CI materials and densities, namely in indoor locations with plastic material 455 (CI = 5.5). The results of the chi-square test in the endemic area obtained a value of p = 0.478 which means that there is no relationship between the container type and the presence of aedes sp larvae in Tamamaung, Chi-square test results in non-endemic areas obtained a value of p = 0.217 which means that there is no relationship between the container type and the presence of Aedes sp larvae in the new Malimangan Village. The results of the chi-square test in the endemic area obtained a value of p = 0.000 which means that there is a relationship between the location and the presence of aedes sp larvae in tamamaung, and Meanwhile, the results of the Chi-Square test in non-endemic areas obtained a value of p = 0.631 which means that there is no relationship between the location and the presence of Aedes sp larvae in the new malimongan. There is no relationship between CI density and endemic and nonendemic regions. All six regions fall into the moderate category. His advice for the Makassar City Health Office, especially in Tamamaung, Pisang Utara, Pampang, Malimongan Baru, Kalukuang and Rappojawa villages, is that it is necessary to conduct counseling / information about the importance of environmental cleanliness and mosquito breeding sites to residents evenly and distribute abate, so that the community can be vigilant and avoid the transmission of dengue fever
aedes sp larval containers,containers index,habitat characteristics,makassar city,non-endemic
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