2D III-V semiconductors

Sattar Mirzakuchaki, Atefeh Nazary

Semiconductors and Semimetals(2023)

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Non-layered 2D III-V compounds represent a distinct class of materials that exhibit notable structural differences compared to their layered counterparts. These compounds, known as III-V semiconductors, are characterized by their non-layered nature. In contrast to the layered materials that are held together by weak van der Waals bonds between interlayers, the non-layered nature of III-V semiconductors arises from the presence of covalent bonds within their layers, which imparts them with unique electronic and optical properties, but preventing their exfoliation and limiting their 2D anisotropic growth. However, when III-V semiconductors are reduced to two dimensions, they exhibit unique properties such as 2D electron and hole gas, blue-shifted band gap, and nonlinear optics, expanding their potential applications especially in catalysis and sensing. This chapter provides a comprehensive examination of important and common structures of two-dimensional non-layered III-V compounds. Additionally, the properties, synthesis methods, and applications of these semiconductors will be explored.
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