Renovation and recycling of used lubricating oil by using extraction, adsorption and distillation techniques

Nageswara Rao Lakkimsetty, Aya Said Hamed Al-Abdali, S. Karunya,Motilal Lakavat,Suman Gandi, P. Saidireddy, G. Kavitha

Nucleation and Atmospheric Aerosols(2023)

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Recent times the transportation sector plays a significant role in the economy of countries, in this aspect the total recognition of transportation have not work without oil to run the engines. The used oil needs to change every 5000 to 10000 kilometers, because it's losing its properties, which leads to damage the engine. As per the research point of view it's a part of petroleum oil, therefore recycling process is the best solution to reduce the demand of the petroleum oil as well as minimize the pollution aspect to the environmental concern. The present investigation focusses on renovation and recycling of used lubricating oil using extraction, adsorption and distillation techniques to remove the major impurities by adding solvents. The study of recovery of oil was carried out in three stages and analyzed results, reported the physical properties such as kinetic viscosity, TAN, Sulphur content etc. The result shows that the recycled oil has good quality and capability to reuse as lubricant oil with low cost from the base about 25%. The characterization studies were conducted by gas chromatography and Flame atomic absorption spectrometer.
distillation techniques,oil,extraction,adsorption
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