ICG: A Machine Learning Benchmark Dataset and Baselines for Inline Code Comments Generation Task

Xiaowei Zhang, Cuiying Lin,Weiqin Zou,Yulu Cao, Hongyan Ren,Zhi Wang,Yanhui Li, Yao Zou

International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering(2023)

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As a fundamental component of software documentation, code comments could help developers comprehend and maintain programs. Several datasets of method header comments have been proposed in previous studies for machine learning-based code comment generation. As part of code comments, inline code comments are also crucial for code understanding activities. However, unlike method header comments written in a standard format and describing the whole method code, inline comments are often written in arbitrary formats by developers due to timelines pressures and different aspects of code snippets in the method are described. Currently, there is no large-scale dataset used for inline comments generation considering these. Hence, this naturally inspires us to explore whether we can construct a dataset to foster machine learning research that not only performs fine-grained noise-cleaning but conducts a taxonomy of inline comments. To this end, we first collect inline comments and code snippets from 8000 Java projects on GitHub. Then, we conduct a manual review to obtain heuristic rules, which could be used to clean the data noise in a fine-grained manner. As a result, we construct a large-scale benchmark dataset named ICG with 5,740,770 pairs of inline comments and code snippets. We then build a comprehensive taxonomy and conduct a statistical and manual analysis to explore the performances of different categories of inline comments, such as helpfulness in code understanding. After that, we provide and compare several baseline models to automatically generate inline comments, such as CodeBERT, to enhance the usability of the benchmark for researchers. The availability of our benchmark and baselines can help develop and validate new inline comment generation methods, which would also further facilitate code understanding activities.
machine learning benchmark dataset,comments,code,generation
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