Advanced Computational Tools for Enhanced Food Quality and Safety

Food engineering series(2023)

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Food quality and safety issues demand improved food-processing innovations to make the food supply chain safer with better traceability and accountability of food products. The recent change in food safety regulations also necessitates comprehensive ways to predict and prevent future foodborne outbreaks. The applications of emerging computational tools such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Blockchain and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) to address the challenges of food safety with respect to food supply chain management (farm to fork) and food processing have been discussed. The significance of AI has been illustrated with its application in sorting of nuts contaminated with aflatoxin as a case study. Further, the implementation of blockchain to enhance transparency and traceability in the dairy industry and in honey adulteration have been detailed. AI enabled blockchain as a decentralised model in rice supply chain management to minimize the risks associated with the supply chain. Additionally, the application of CFD-based modeling and simulation for design, analysis and optimization of new and/ or existing post-harvest storage systems is reviewed in detail with the help of three case-studies involving dates, citrus fruits and beef while also addressing the different operations comprising the cold chain process. Overall, the chapter presents a comprehensive review of AI, blockchain and CFD to enhance data transparency, data traceability, improve food safety and quality monitoring along with the recent research and development trends.
enhanced food quality,computational tools
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