Identification of paramagnetic centers of gadolinium and iron in scandium and yttrium orthosilicates

V. A. Vazhenin,А. П. Потапов, К. А. Субботин, А. В. Фокин,Artyomov M. Yu.,A. I. Titov, Sergei K. Pavlov

Fizika tverdogo tela(2023)

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The study of grown Sc 2 SiO 5 : Gd and Sc 2 SiO 5 : Fe crystals was carried out by the paramagnetic resonance method. It has been established that Fe 3+ ions replace Sc 3+ in both crystallographic positions, while Gd 3+ ions exhibit a single center localized in a larger position with a coordination number of 7. Measurement of the orientational behavior of the positions of transitions of Fe 3+ and Gd 3+ centers in two orthogonal planes made it possible to determine the parameters of their triclinic spin Hamiltonians. To determine the localization of impurity ions Cr 3+ , Fe 3+ and Gd 3+ in scandium and yttrium silicates, the orientation of the main Z axes of the fine structure tensors of the second rank was used. Keywords: scandium and yttrium silicates, impurity ions, paramagnetic resonance.
paramagnetic centers,gadolinium,scandium
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