Assessing policy and planning contexts for the transition to water circular economy: Examples from Southern Europe

Elsevier eBooks(2023)

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The transition to a circular water economy by water reuse has many drivers and barriers. Facing them requires integrated approaches where new water users and producers are considered under a water–land nexus. Policies, regulations, and plans foreseeing water circularity are critical factors for a successful transition. However, little is known about how policy and planning contexts consider water circularity. This chapter develops an analytical framework based on a typical decision-making arena and a set of enabling factors used to analyze selected policy and planning documents, namely circular economy action plans, water and spatial planning frameworks, and water and spatial plans. This analytical framework is then applied to assess how the current policy and planning the set-up of three municipalities located in southern European countries, namely Almendralejo (Spain), Lecce (Italy), and Omis (Croatia), are prepared to facilitate new water circular economy initiatives. The findings bring to the fore very different settings. Although the policy, regulations, and plans recognize the water–land nexus, the integration of circularity codes still needs to be fostered.
circular economy,southern europe,policy
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