Initial Considerations for a P2P Trading Model for Electricity Generated from Photovoltaic Solar Energy Based on Blockchain Technology

Sarkkinen Veikka, Alex Alcântara Renó,Ali Khosravi,Juan José García Pabón

Springer eBooks(2023)

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Abstract The article proposed a list and discussion of the aspects that should be considered before implementing Blockchain technology in the renewable energy trade. In the proposed model, electricity is generated by solar energy and uses consumption and production data, among other things, to price electricity in a double auction, in which sellers present their prices and buyers send their bids at the same time. The use of Blockchain technology allows real-time monitoring of consumption and production, and real-time trading where third parties are not needed. It also has the potential to maximize profits from the perspective of prossumidor and minimize electricity losses. Considering Finland, it is already possible to realize that customer segments are delimited in subgroups within cities and requires the involvement of the electricity company, awareness at the state level and inversion in pilot projects.
p2p trading model,photovoltaic solar energy,solar energy
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