Towards Enhanced Human Activity Recognition through Natural Language Generation and Pose Estimation

Nikhil Kashyap, Manas Satish Bedmutha, Prerit Chaudhary,Brian Wood,Wanda Pratt,Janice Sabin,Andrea Hartzler,Nadir Weibel


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Vision-based human activity recognition (HAR) has made substantial progress in recognizing predefined gestures but lacks adaptability for emerging activities. This paper introduces a paradigm shift by harnessing generative modeling and large language models (LLMs) to enhance vision-based HAR. We propose utilizing LLMs to generate descriptive textual representations of activities using pose keypoints as an intermediate representation. Incorporating pose keypoints adds contextual depth to the recognition process, allowing for sequences of vectors resembling text chunks, compatible with LLMs. This innovative fusion of computer vision and natural language processing holds significant potential for revolutionizing activity recognition. A proof of concept study on a Kinetics700 dataset subset validates the approach's efficacy, highlighting improved accuracy and interpretability. Future implications encompass enhanced accuracy, novel research avenues, model generalization, and ethical considerations for transparency. This framework has real-world applications, including personalized gym workout feedback and nuanced sports training insights. By connecting visual cues to interpretable textual descriptions, the proposed framework advances HAR accuracy and applicability, shaping the landscape of pervasive computing and activity recognition research. As this approach evolves, it promises a more insightful understanding of human activities across diverse contexts, marking a significant step towards a better world.
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