Symmetric derivatives of parametrized quantum circuits

David Wierichs, Richard D. P. East,Martín Larocca, M. Cerezo, Nathan Killoran


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Symmetries are crucial for tailoring parametrized quantum circuits to applications, due to their capability to capture the essence of physical systems. In this work, we shift the focus away from incorporating symmetries in the circuit design and towards symmetry-aware training of variational quantum algorithms. For this, we introduce the concept of projected derivatives of parametrized quantum circuits, in particular the equivariant and covariant derivatives. We show that the covariant derivative gives rise to the quantum Fisher information and quantum natural gradient. This provides an operational meaning for the covariant derivative, and allows us to extend the quantum natural gradient to all continuous symmetry groups. Connecting to traditional particle physics, we confirm that our covariant derivative is the same as the one introduced in physical gauge theory. This work provides tools for tailoring variational quantum algorithms to symmetries by incorporating them locally in derivatives, rather than into the design of the circuit.
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