Use of supporting software tool for decision-making during low-probability severe accident management at nuclear power plants


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In the project NARSIS – New Approach to Reactor Safety ImprovementS – possible advances in safety assessment of nuclear power plants (NPPs) were considered, which also included possible improvements in the field of management of low probability accident scenarios. As a part of it, a supporting software tool for making decisions under severe accident management was developed. The mentioned tool, named Severa, is a prototype demonstration-level decision supporting system, aimed for the use by the technical support center (TSC) while managing a severe accident, or for the training purposes. Severa interprets, stores and monitors key physical measurements during accident sequence progression. It assesses the current state of physical barriers: core, reactor coolant system, reactor pressure vessel and containment. The tool gives predictions regarding accident progression in the case that no action is taken by the TSC. It provides a list of possible recovery strategies and courses of action. The applicability and feasibility of possible action courses in the given situation are addressed. For each action course, Severa assesses consequences in terms of probability of the containment failure and estimated time window for failure. At the end, Severa evaluates and ranks the feasible actions, providing recommendations for the TSC. The verification and validation of Severa has been performed in the project and is also described in this paper. Although largely simplified in its current state, Severa successfully demonstrated its potential for supporting accident management and pointed toward the next steps needed with regard to further advancements in this field.
severe accident management,software tool,decision-making decision-making,nuclear power plants,low-probability
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