The Contribution of the Internet of Things to Enhance the Brands of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Iraq

Yaseen Myasar Fathi Kamosh,Lin Wu,Kim Hua Tan

Lecture notes in networks and systems(2023)

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Recent times have seen the Internet of Things (IoT) becoming one of the strategic resources of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The study’s main objective is to explore how the implementation of the IoT will affect the branding of Iraqi SMEs. In-depth research should be done on how clients view the brand, its value, and the reputation of SMEs that employ IoT in their operations. Iraqi SME brands must overcome barriers and difficulties to grow on international markets. The fundamental problem is that there isn't enough information available when it's needed to understand the market condition and make wise judgments. Because end users need more information, decision-making processes are hampered, which makes it challenging to satisfy key market demands. To explore the features of utilising the IoT on the brand, the researcher used a qualitative method that included case studies and semi-structured interviews in three cases of SMEs in Iraq. The findings illustrate that SMEs’ performance in their activities and services can be improved by increasing flexibility in managing activities via speed of reaction and ease of management. The outcomes also demonstrated the IoT's assistance in meeting the demands of end-users in SMEs by delivering timely information and reports. The IoT contributed to enhancing customers' loyalty by meeting their needs and responding quickly to their requests. These benefits were achieved through the handling of massive amounts of data acquired from internal and external sources and categorised and processed in real-time. This study will be of interest to other experts in this subject, particularly those from Iraq and the Middle East.
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