Marketing for a Better Climate

Richard B. Howarth, Fiona Winfield

Routledge eBooks(2023)

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Consumers and other stakeholders are increasingly interested in climate action. This influences choices about the purchase of materials, products and services at the individual and organisational level. The interest can combine with wider concerns about health and well-being, good working conditions and how products have been tested, to inform a customer's or buyer's choice criteria. In a business-to-business (B2B) context, an organisation's desire to take account of climate change within its brand positioning, to gain new contracts or keep current ones, and its ability to recruit appropriate talent, have gained in importance. This chapter looks at how core marketing concepts and tools can shape choices and consequent action, with the climate in mind. It looks beyond the core product or service and focuses on the creation and delivery of ‘value’, with reference to the climate and wider sustainability. Different elements of the marketing mix will be highlighted, such as ensuring a climate-responsible product offer, addressing how price and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are interrelated, and how to provide the benefits of online shopping while minimising negative impacts. It also addresses the importance of considering emissions associated with different communication methods, and the overarching requirement for your marketing strategy to address climate change. A case-study on marketing in a hotel context is included, along with Quick Wins and Further Resources. Combined with chapter 3 (Communication & Reporting), this chapter encourages engagement with customers to support their awareness and commitment to climate action, and to enable them to choose climate-friendly products and services. In doing so, this can help them address both their own requirements and those of wider society.
better climate,marketing
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