Selecting resource recovery technologies and assessment of impacts

D. Renfrew, E. Nika, V. Vasilaki,Evina Katsou

Elsevier eBooks(2023)

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By investing in resource recovery infrastructure, water utilities can leverage benefits that reach far beyond revenue generation. However, the vast range of technological options coupled with few industrial examples hinders strategic decision-making. Therefore, a structured approach is provided for the selection of priority technologies at a regional scale using publicly available information. Developing a baseline model promotes an understanding of system resource flows. Multi-criteria analysis is used to select technologies, which are combined with the model to create an enhanced resource recovery scenario. An example of the UK wastewater sector is provided to showcase the approach, where the recommended technologies are required to act as the foundation for further analysis by individual water utilities or treatment sites. This analysis should be performed using detailed quantitative circularity assessments of technology performance and impacts. It is recommended that three indicator branches are used for investigating: circular actions, resource flow circularity measurement, and sustainability impacts.
resource recovery technologies,impacts
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