Training for Better Transfer in an Online Competency-Based Higher Education Program

Advances in educational technologies and instructional design book series(2023)

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Virtual reality simulations represent a much-needed effort to move beyond the shortcomings of traditional form-based assessments. Within VR, we assess competency and problem-solving skills versus the content memorization typically supported by conventional measures. This chapter explores an innovative VR simulation recently deployed at Western Governors University. The authors explored the utility of a VR simulation as an assessment tool when students engaged in more inclusive, immersive, and interactive experiences compared to conventional methods. The authors investigated students' summative assessment scores across a 2D (desktop) and 3D VR (headset) version and how additional factors like motion sickness, cognitive workload, and system usability impacted their scores. The results showed that students in the Desktop version outperformed those in the VR version on the summative assessment while feeling equally immersed in the simulation. Implications for future research are discussed, especially for optimizing learning experiences in an online competency-based higher education program.
higher education,training,better transfer,competency-based
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