The Relationship Between Work Engagement and Meaninful Work to Well-Being and Aspiration Index in the Health Field: The Case of Psycisians

Research Square (Research Square)(2023)

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Abstract Background: During the pandemic period, medical personnel became the focus of society's attention. The pandemic appeared to have significantly affected the professional performance of doctors and led to an increase in medical errors. And while research interest so far has focused on burnout and occupational stress in physicians, the study of more positive concepts such as work engagement, meaning at work, and personal well-being may have equally important benefits for the health field for the design of targeted interventions in order to strengthen the human resources of health structures. Aim: The purpose of this study is to investigate the work engagement of physicians and the finding of meaning in their work in relation to their personal well-being and future life-goals. Method: For the purpose of the study, a point-in-time study was conducted using questionnaires, in which a total of 116 men and women participated. Results: The findings indicate that physicians' work engagement indeed contributes to their well-being and confirm that experiencing meaning at work enhances personal well-being. Conclusion: Taking measures as well as implementing policies that emphasize work engagement and finding meaning in work can improve physician perfor-mance and help reduce medical errors.
work engagement,meaninful work,health field,well-being
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