Testing AGN outflow and accretion models with C iv and He ii emission line demographics in z ≈ 2 quasars

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society(2023)

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Using 190,000 spectra from the seventeenth data release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, we investigate the ultraviolet emission line properties in z=2 quasars. Specifically, we quantify how the shape of CIV 1549A and the equivalent width (EW) of HeII 1640A depend on the black hole mass and Eddington ratio inferred from MgII 2800A. Above L/L_Edd>0.2, there is a strong mass dependence in both CIV blueshift and HeII EW. Large CIV blueshifts are observed only in regions with both high mass and high accretion rate. Including X-ray measurements for a subsample of 5,000 objects, we interpret our observations in the context of AGN accretion and outflow mechanisms. The observed trends in HeII and 2 keV strength are broadly consistent with theoretical QSOSED models of AGN spectral energy distributions (SEDs) for low spin black holes, where the ionizing SED depends on the accretion disc temperature and the strength of the soft excess. High spin models are not consistent with observations, suggesting SDSS quasars at z=2 may in general have low spins. We find a dramatic switch in behaviour at L/L_Edd<0.2: the ultraviolet emission properties show much weaker trends, and no longer agree with QSOSED predictions, hinting at changes in the structure of the broad line region. Overall the observed emission line trends are generally consistent with predictions for radiation line driving where quasar outflows are governed by the SED, which itself results from the accretion flow and hence depends on both the SMBH mass and accretion rate.
agn outflow,accretion models,emission line demographics
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