Characterization, synthesis, and optimization of quantum circuits over multiple-control Z -rotation gates: A systematic study

Physical review(2023)

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We conduct a systematic study of quantum circuits composed of multiple-control $Z$-rotation (mczr) gates as primitives, since they are widely used components in quantum algorithms and also have attracted much experimental interest in recent years. We establish a circuit-polynomial correspondence to characterize the functionality of quantum circuits over the mczr gate set with continuous parameters. An analytic method for exactly synthesizing such quantum circuit to implement any given diagonal unitary matrix with an optimal gate count is proposed, which also enables the circuit depth optimal for specific cases with pairs of complementary gates. Furthermore, we present a gate-exchange strategy together with a flexible iterative algorithm for effectively optimizing the depth of any mczr circuit, which can also be applied to quantum circuits over any other commuting gate set. Besides the theoretical investigation, the practical performance of our circuit synthesis and optimization techniques is further evaluated numerically on two typical examples in quantum computing, including diagonal Hermitian operators and quantum approximate optimization algorithm circuits with tens of qubits, which can demonstrate a reduction in circuit depth by 33.40% and 15.55% on average over relevant prior works, respectively. Therefore, our methods and results provide a pathway for implementing quantum circuits and algorithms on recently developed devices.
quantum circuits,multiple-control
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