Highly Efficient Characterization of the Dynamic Anisotropic Plasticity for Sheet Metals from the Heterogeneous High-Speed Impact Inertial Fields via the Virtual Fields Method

Lecture notes in mechanical engineering(2023)

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In this paper, the virtual field method (VFM) is used to identify the dynamic anisotropic plasticity of the sheet metal subjected to highspeed impact. First, the selected dynamic anisotropic plasticity constitutive models and the principle of the VFM-based characterization method are introduced. Then, a heterogeneous highspeed impact testing prototype using the double-notched specimen configuration is proposed and the virtual inertial impact test carried out. The simulated strain and acceleration field data are extracted and analyzed, from which the target dynamic anisotropic plasticity constitutive parameters are retrieved. The results show that using the current identification scheme the anisotropic yielding and the rate-dependent hardening parameters can be simultaneously identified from the heterogeneous inertial kinetic fields with a single impact test. The proposed identification method is exempt from the one-dimensional stress wave propagation and homogeneous deformation state preconditions and can significantly simplify the identification process of the dynamic anisotropic plasticity of sheet metals.
dynamic anisotropic plasticity,sheet metals,high-speed
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