Fake It Without Making It: Conditioned Face Generation for Accurate 3D Face Reconstruction

arXiv (Cornell University)(2023)

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Accurate 3D face reconstruction from 2D images is an enabling technology with applications in healthcare, security, and creative industries. However, current state-of-the-art methods either rely on supervised training with very limited 3D data or self-supervised training with 2D image data. To bridge this gap, we present a method to generate a large-scale synthesised dataset of 250K photorealistic images and their corresponding shape parameters and depth maps, which we call SynthFace. Our synthesis method conditions Stable Diffusion on depth maps sampled from the FLAME 3D Morphable Model (3DMM) of the human face, allowing us to generate a diverse set of shape-consistent facial images that is designed to be balanced in race and gender. We further propose ControlFace, a deep neural network, trained on SynthFace, which achieves competitive performance on the NoW benchmark, without requiring 3D supervision or manual 3D asset creation. The complete SynthFace dataset will be made publicly available upon publication.
face shape estimation,face generation,accurate 3d
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