Latest developments in quality control parameters/specifications in phytonutrients studies

Elsevier eBooks(2023)

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Over last 3 decades, the importance of medicine from natural sources have become more increased not only for medical but also for its economic meanings. In developing world like Asia and Africa, the primary and immediate source to cure diseases is still natural. According to World Health Organization, 65%–85% of people in developing countries depend on natural sources for their healthcare. The other developed countries are also looking back to natural sources for healthcare. This revitalization has been energized by more consumer attention to therapies from natural sources. But the only reason which undermines the patient's confidence is the uniform quality of the natural products. The natural sources must meet the evaluation criteria set for them. The finest way that can be recommended for deciding the quality of natural medicine is the number of active elements/key bioactivity markers. It must be analyzed to certify that it comprises these active components at a standardized acceptable amount.
quality control parameters/specifications,quality control
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