Improvements in Drilling Fluid Rheology Predictions Using Rotational Viscometer


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The success of an oilwell drilling operation is directly associated with the correct formulation of drilling fluids and their rheological measurements. The goal of this study is to investigate the usage of a Fann 35A viscometer and the methodology for rheological characterization of drilling fluids by comparison with the use of a rotational rheometer. Flow curves and gel strength tests were performed considering addition, a study of the relationship between pressure drop and flow rate in a tube and in an annular space was carried out to investigate the influence of the viscosity function and of the rheological properties on the design of pipelines and the correct sizing of pumps. Use of American Petroleum Institute (API) equations and curve fitting were explored as potential choices for viscosity functions. The results indicate that the use of API equation predictions can compromise the effectiveness of the drilling process, while the choice of an adequate viscosity function is essential for the correct sizing of pumps. The gel strength was evaluated in the viscometer and presented divergent results from those obtained in the rheometer. Furthermore, a grooved geometry was developed for the viscometer to avoid the effects of apparent slip at low shear rates. Some recommendations are made based on the results obtained, which lead to better accuracy in the rheological results of drilling fluids and, consequently, better performance of some functions assigned to it. The proposed improvements and methodologies proved to be promising, although in some cases the cost- benefit remained unchanged.
drilling fluid rheology predictions
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