The Remote Academic Radiologist: AJR Expert Panel Narrative Review

American Journal of Roentgenology(2023)

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The importance of developing a robust remote workforce in academic radiology has come to the forefront due to several converging factors. COVID-19, and the abrupt transformation it precipitated in terms of how radiologists worked, has been the biggest impetus for change; concurrent factors such as increasing examination volumes and radiologist burnout have also contributed. How to best advance the most desirable and favorable aspects of remote work while preserving an academic environment that fulfills the tripartite mission is a critical challenge that nearly all academic institutions face today. In this article, we discuss current challenges in academic radiology, including effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, from three perspectives–the radiologist, the learner, and the health system–addressing the following topics: productivity, recruitment, wellness, clinical supervision, mentorship and research, educational engagement, radiologist access, investments in technology, and radiologist value. Throughout, we focus on the opportunities and drawbacks of remote work, to help guide its effective and reliable integration into academic radiology practices.
remote academic radiologist,expert panel narrative review
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