Draft of clinical guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of differentiated thyroid cancer in adult patients

Е. L. Choynzonov,И. В. Решетов,С. А. Иванов, A. Polyakov, М. А. Кропотов, А. М. Мудунов, В. В. Полькин, П. А. Исаев,А V Ilyin, D. G. Beltsevich, В Э Ванушко,Pavel O. Rumiantsev, G. A. Melnichenko, Yu. V. Alymov, И. С. Романов,А. В. Игнатова, Е. В. Бородавина, В В Крылов,A. Yu. Shurinov, N. V. Severskaya, З. А. Раджабова,D. Е. Kulbakin, A. A. Nevolskikh, А. Р. Геворков, E. Khmelevsky, С. И. Кутукова, A. O. Guz,Ilya Sleptsov,Roman Chernikov, А. М. Степанова, N. A. Falaleeva, С. О. Подвязников, Н. А. Рубцова, A. N. Rudyk,Ш. И. Мусин, И. А. Гулидов, L. Yu. Vladimirova, T. Yu. Semiglazova, T. A. Aghababyan, Е. В. Костромина

Endocrine Surgery(2023)

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The article presents a draft of clinical recommendations for the diagnosis and treatment of differentiated thyroid cancer in adult patients, which provides a modern examination algorithm, discusses the basic principles of laboratory, instrumental diagnostics and treatment approaches.
differentiated thyroid cancer,thyroid cancer,clinical guidelines,adult patients
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