Optimization Assisted by Neural Network-Based Machine Learning in Electromagnetic Applications

Anastasios Papathanasopoulos, Pavlos Athanasios Apostolopoulos,Yahya Rahmat-Samii

IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation(2023)

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We introduce an optimization assisted by a neural network (ONN) predictor to the electromagnetic community. ONN belongs to the class of the surrogate model-based optimization approaches, and approximates the objective function using a non-linear approximator – neural network. We provide a comprehensive description of the ONN algorithm and the details of its mathematical formulations. We apply ONN to optimize three popular benchmark functions and compare its performance with some commonly used optimization algorithms, namely particle swarm optimization, genetic algorithm, and Bayesian optimization. For the first time, we demonstrate ONN’s applicability and effectiveness in antenna design problems by optimizing a six-element Yagi-Uda antenna and by solving a challenging ten-dimensional dual-band slotted patch antenna constrained optimization problem. To achieve this, ONN is linked with a full-wave electromagnetic simulation solver through an application user interface. The optimized slotted patch is fabricated and measured to demonstrate how ONN can be part of the full antenna design process. Our empirical results indicate that ONN requires less objective function evaluations to reach the same qualitative point and reaches better optimal points for the same number of iterations for the studied benchmark functions and antenna optimization problems compared to the aforementioned baseline optimization algorithms.
Optimization methods,neural network,machine learning,antenna design,computational electromagnetics,Yagi–Uda antennas,patch antennas,genetic algorithms,particle swarm optimization
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