IoT and blockchain technology-based healthcare monitoring

Institution of Engineering and Technology eBooks(2022)

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Nowadays, there are several Internet of Things (IoT) protocols with different purposes and application areas, such as transportation, logistics, industry, smart homes, robotics, and healthcare. Since there are advantages and disadvantages to each of them, it is necessary to use the best technologies for people's health and personal data protection. This paper will attempt to review the IoT protocols used in the e-Health industry and the topologies used in each of them. This review aims to introduce the existing technologies, e-Health topology, and their advantages. With technological advances, IoT has become much more accessible to the market, offering a branch of products that standardize and facilitate the adoption of these. Most home devices are considered part of IoT, bringing many social facilities and advantages. The correct adoption of IoT can be very beneficial for society. A little beyond commercial, implementing IoT in monitoring devices can save lives. From intelligent navigation systems that can alert drivers of a risk of collision in their vehicle to real-time monitoring of the critically ill patient. There are innumerable benefits of this technology if it is well applied. In the last decade, one of the fastest-growing industries has been medicine.
healthcare monitoring,iot,blockchain,technology-based
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