Module 1

International journal of physical and rehabilitation medicine(2022)

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This module discusses the pathophysiology of spasticity and the lesions underlying the condition. It considers the clinical presentation of spasticity and outlines the relevant clinical history that should be documented. The positive and negative signs of spasticity are explained. Clinical presentations of spasticity are discussed, and an illustrated table of spastic limb postures details how the muscles involved in each individual's condition may be identified. The main systems for assessing the severity of the condition, the Ashworth Scale, the modified Ashworth scale, and the Tardieu Scale, are explained. The likelihood of spasticity developing following a stroke and the probable long-term outcomes are considered. The value of involving patients in their own treatment regimens, by defining and setting goals, using the SMARTER system is explained, and the need to continually assess and refine treatment with time as the condition progresses is also discussed.
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