Adoption and use of electronic information resources by economists at the national treasury and planning, nairobi county, kenya


Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management(2022)

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This study investigated adoption and use of electronic information resources by economists at Kenya National Treasury and Planning in Nairobi County with a view to proposing interventions to enhance e-resources awareness, usage and adoption. The study used descriptive survey design to collect qualitative and quantitative data from respondents using questionnaires and interviews as primary data collection instruments. Sample size was 118 respondents out of a population of 230. The study used purposeful sampling techniques to sample 112 Economists, 3 librarians, 1 ICT head, 1 head of library services and 1 head of Economic Planning department. A pilot study of 8 respondents at the Ministry of Industrialization, State Department of Trade helped refine research instruments. Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) was used to analyze quantitative data and represented the same in percentages, pie charts, graphs and tables for better interpretation. Content analysis approach was used to analyze qualitative data. Findings showed that electronic resources available included e-books, e-newspapers, e-journals and online databases. There was high awareness, adoption and use of electronic resources by economists. Effort expectancy, performance expectancy, social influence and facilitating conditions influenced the adoption and use of electronic resources by Economists. This study has implications on staff information literacy training, current and future funding of electronic resources and efficacy of various interventions undertaken by management to enhance electronic resources used by economists. It was recommended that National Treasury and Planning upgrade ICT and library facilities to allow remote access; digitize local content and train economists on search and retrieval Skills to enhance their competencies in the digital environment. Keywords: Kenya National Treasury; Kenya Economists; Electronic resources awareness; Electronic resources adoption; Electronic resources usage; Digital resources; E-Resources CITATION: Mboji, J., Amoth, D., & Odero, D. (2022). Adoption and use of electronic information resources by economists at the national treasury and planning, Nairobi County, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 9 (2), 1489-1501.
electronic information resources,nairobi county,kenya,national treasury
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