Sustaining and Development of Physiotherapy as an Important Condition for Health Resort Treatment Effectiveness Increasing: a Review

Tatyana V. Konchugova, Anantoliy D. Fesyun, Mikhail V. Nikitin, Olga V. Yurova,Maksim Yu. Yakovlev,Detelina B. Kulchitskaya

Вестник восстановительной медицины(2023)

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AIM. To focuses on the relevance of using, along with natural healing factors, traditional and innovative transformed physical factors, which can significantly improve the effectiveness of health resort treatment. INTRODUCTION. Globally recognized achievements of Russian balneology are first of all connected with strictly scientific approaches to development of therapeutic methods and complex programs of physiotherapeutic treatment, implemented for many decades in health resort organizations throughout the country. The richest deposits of natural mineral waters and mud were mastered, studied and adapted for treatment of chronic diseases of inflammatory and degenerative-dystrophic nature, for rehabilitation of patients after vascular accidents, injuries and operations, as well as for rehabilitation of virtually healthy persons with reduced functional reserves. The results obtained on the basis of randomized clinical trials represent the evidence base for inclusion of various methods of physiotherapy in the Clinical Guidelines for various nosologies. The successful development of physiotherapy requires not only a profound scientific approach, consolidation of researchers, manufacturers of physiotherapy equipment and practitioners, but also further improvement of the regulatory framework. Thus, a great achievement of 2022 can be considered the drafting of an Order on providing medical care to the population in the profile of «physiotherapy».
physiotherapy,health resort treatment,natural healing factors,preformed physical factors,clinical guidelines
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