Large-gap quantum anomalous Hall states induced by functionalizing buckled Bi-III monolayer/ Al2O3

Suhua Jin, Yun Xia,Wujun Shi,Jiayu Hu, R. Claessen, W. Hanke,Ronny Thomale,Gang Li

Physical review(2022)

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Chiral edge modes inherent to the topological quantum anomalous Hall (QAH) effect are a pivotal topic of contemporary condensed matter research aiming at future quantum technology and application in spintronics. A large topological gap is vital to protecting against thermal fluctuations and thus enabling a higher operating temperature. From first-principle calculations, we propose Al$_{2}$O$_{3}$ as an ideal substrate for atomic monolayers consisting of Bi and group-III elements, in which a large-gap quantum spin Hall effect can be realized. Additional half-passivation with nitrogen then suggests a topological phase transition to a large-gap QAH insulator. By effective tight-binding modelling, we demonstrate that Bi-III monolayer/Al$_{2}$O$_{3}$ is dominated by $p_{x}, p_{y}$ orbitals, with subdominant $p_z$ orbital contributions. The topological phase transition into the QAH is induced by Zeeman splitting, where the off-diagonal spin exchange does not play a significant role. The effective model analysis promises utility far beyond Bi-III monolayer/Al$_{2}$O$_{3}$, as it should generically apply to systems dominated by $p_{x}, p_{y}$ orbitals with a band inversion at $\Gamma$.
anomalous hall states,quantum,large-gap,bi-iii
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