A Lightweight Keypoint Matching Framework for Morphometric Landmark Detection

Huu-Hung Nguyen, Bich Hai Ho, Hien Phuong Lai, Hoang Vinh Tran,Huu Le,Anne - Laure Banuls,Jorian Prudhomme

Research Square (Research Square)(2021)

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Abstract Geometric morphometrics has become an important approach in insect morphology studies because it capitalizes on advanced quantitative methods to analyze shape. Shape could be digitized as a set of landmarks from specimen images. However, the existing tools mostly require manual landmark digitization, and previous works on automatic landmark detection methods do not focus on implementation for end-users. Motivated by that, we propose a novel approach for automatic landmark detection, based on visual features of landmarks and keypoint matching techniques. While still archiving comparable accuracy to that of the state-of-the-art method, our framework requires less initial annotated data to build prediction model and runs faster. It is lightweight also in terms of implementation, in which a four-step workflow is provided with user-friendly graphical interfaces to produce correct landmark coordinates both by model prediction and manual correction. The utility iMorph is freely available at https://github.com/ha-usth/WingLanmarkPredictor, currently supporting Windows, MacOS, and Linux.
morphometric landmark detection,lightweight keypoint matching framework
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