Activity-dependent modulation of NMDA receptors by endogenous zinc shapes dendritic function in cortical neurons

bioRxiv (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory)(2021)

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SUMMARY Activation of NMDA receptors (NMDARs) has been proposed to be a key component of single neuron computations in vivo. However is unknown if specific mechanisms control the function of such receptors and modulate input-output transformations performed by cortical neurons under in vivo-like conditions. Here we found that in layer 2/3 pyramidal neurons (L2/3 PNs), repeated synaptic stimulation results in an activity-dependent decrease in NMDARs activity by vesicular zinc. Such a mechanism shifted the threshold for dendritic non-linearities and strongly reduced LTP induction. Modulation of NMDARs was cell- and pathway-specific, being present selectively in L2/3-L2/3 connections but absent in ascending bottom-up inputs originating from L4 neurons. Numerical simulations highlighted that activity-dependent modulation of NMDARs has an important influence in dendritic computations endowing L2/3 PN dendrites with the ability to sustain dendritic non-linear integrations constant across different regimes of synaptic activity like those found in vivo. The present results therefore provide a new perspective on the action of vesicular zinc in cortical circuits by highlighting the role of this endogenous ion in normalizing dendritic integration of PNs during a constantly changing synaptic input pattern.
nmda receptors,dendritic function,endogenous zinc shapes,cortical neurons,activity-dependent
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