Revenue Analysis of Stationary and Transportable Battery Storage for Power Systems with High Penetration of Renewable Sources: A Market Participant Perspective

arXiv (Cornell University)(2020)

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The power system needs more transmission capacity to deal with the increasing integration of renewable energy resources. The battery energy storage systems (BESSs) are effective to enhance the grid capacity and relieve the transmission congestion. A comprehensive revenue analysis of BESSs is critical for market participants to install such systems in a market-based power system. Taking PJM as an example, this paper carries out a thorough revenue analysis for the entire system. Highly profitable nodes in the system are revealed and characterized for BESS participants. A comparison study of stationary and transportable BESSs shows the transportable energy storage can produce higher potential revenue in the energy and regulation markets. Based on the results of the revenue analysis and characterization of commercial pricing nodes, an optimal placement algorithm is proposed for finding the profitable sites for market participants to install BESSs in the system and the algorithm is validated with real PJM market data.
transportable battery storage,renewable sources,power systems
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