Revision surgery for recurrent morton neuroma with use of a collagen conduit


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Background: Painful neuromas of the foot and ankle frequently pose a treatment dilemma because of persistent pain or recurrence after resection. Primary surgical treatment of painful neuromas includes simple excision with retraction of the residual nerve ending to a less vulnerable location1-4. The use of a collagen conduit for recurrent neuromas is advantageous, particularly in areas with minimal soft-tissue coverage options, and is a technique that has shown 85% patient satisfaction regarding surgical outcomes7. Additionally, the use of a collagen conduit limits the need for deep soft-tissue dissection and reduces the morbidity typically associated with nerve burial.Description: Specific steps include appropriate physical examination, preoperative planning, and supine patient positioning. The patient is placed supine with a lower-extremity bolster under the ipsilateral extremity in order to allow improved visualization of the plantar surface of the foot. A nonsterile tourniquet is placed on the thigh. The incision site is marked out, and a longitudinal plantar incision is made until proximal healthy nerve is identified-typically approximately 1 to 2 cm, but the incision can be extended up to 6 cm. The incision is made between the metatarsals, with blunt dissection carried down to the neuroma. The neuroma is sharply excised distally through healthy nerve, and a whip stitch is placed to facilitate the collagen conduit placement. The collagen conduit is passed dorsally into the intermetatarsal space and secured to the dorsal fascia of the foot. The wound is closed with 3-0 nylon horizontal mattress sutures. Postoperatively, a soft dressing is applied to the operative extremity, and patients are advised to be non-weight-bearing for two weeks. At two weeks, patients begin partial weight-bearing with use of a boot, and physical therapy is initiated. No antibiotics are necessary, and 300 mg of gabapentin is prescribed and tapered off by the six-week follow-up visit. Follow-ups are conducted at 2, 6, 12, 24, and fifty-two weeks. It is necessary to monitor for signs and symptoms of infection, surgical complications, and neuroma recurrence during follow-up appointments.Alternatives: Simple excision of the neuroma with proximal burial into muscle or bone is a common surgical technique. However, inadequate resection of the nerve or poor surgical technique can lead to recurrent neuromas. For neuromas not responding to simple excision, other techniques have been utilized, including cauterization, chemical agents, nerve capping, and muscle or bone burial5,6. The results of these techniques have varied, and none has gained clinical superiority over the other(6).
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