Enhancing Aerospace Engineering Students’ Speaking Ability through Instagram Vlog

Maria Asumpta Deny Kusumaningrum, Rindu Alriavindra Funny, Mardiana Irawaty

2023 International Conference on Electrical and Information Technology (IEIT)(2023)

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This study aimed to determine whether or not the Instagram Vlog improved speaking skills. The study of the study is to determine how the Instagram vlog project aids students in improving their speaking skills and how students' perceptions of the project improve their speaking ability. This study had 49 students participating. The interview was demonstrated to determine the students' perceptions of Instagram Vlog usage in English class. While the pre-test and post-test were given to find out how Instagram Vlog affected the students’ performance. The interviews were used to find out how the students feel, and they believe that Instagram Vlog improves their ability to speak English. In contrast, the students' improvement following the Instagram Vlog implementation indicated that the Instagram Vlog's performance in the Bahasa Inggris I subject contributed to their improved speaking ability. The findings of this study should be considered by educational institutions that prepare students for future employment.
instagram vlogs,speaking enhancement,students’ perception
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